先看了三本最新的期刊: Newsweek,Science and RIBA(應該是建築類的)
不過COPY了一份Newsweek跟壓力有關的文章 希望有空可以看完
至於Science真的只看得懂標題 太....難了
會看建築雜誌 則是因為這期的標題是"Health and happiness"
以下節錄一篇 當作作文的參考囉
(這篇有提到Freiburg!被稱為solar nexus)
Health building syndrome(我整個被這個標題深深吸引住了!)
Utopian idealism, or plain common sense? For centries, mankind has tried to deliver health and happiness through a combination of planned communities and social welfare initiatives...... It is not only possible to design places that are actively good for us, but the need to do so is now more urgent than ever.
A healthy environment and a healthy community are vital for the health, well-being and happiness of the individual. Neuroscience emphasises the importance of the very early years of childhood for the development of well-adjusted individuals with a predisposition towards health and well-being. The young child requires a close and stable relationship with the family, the community and the natural environment. A continuing close association with the natural environment enhances the health and well-being of individauls. It is also clear that a physically active lifestyle which such an environment promotes is conductive to health and well-being. It would seem that cities supporting such a lifestyle should be structured so that every home is close to open countryside, that is, within comfortable walking distance of it.
後面還很多 不過這樣就夠了
前面還不錯 但是後面有鬼打牆的感覺
讓我深深懷疑 是美國人寫的嗎? 實在太饒舌了